Friday, March 27, 2015

Dada Finals


Color Blocks:


Halftone Screen:

I enjoyed this project, but I like having direction, and being told what I'm working, on rather than being given 4 things and making it my own. I thought it was a fun unit and i like the way it turned out, but I like natural photo's best.

Dada Studio Experimentation

Monday, March 9, 2015

MoMA and Dada

World War I and Dada

What is Dada and why did it come into existence?
  • Dada is basically an anti-art made into an art. It started in WWI because of corruption and brutality of the war. 
 Marcel Duchamp and the Readymade

 Discuss Duchamp’s notion of “Readymades”.  What are they?

  • Mass-produced, commercially available, often utilitarian objects, designating them as art and giving them titles.
 How do they change your expectations about what art can be?

  • It makes me realize art can be ANYTHING, not just a painting or a drawing or a sculpture, but anything that was designed/ created and has meaning.
Include a visual of Duchamp’s work

Chance Creations: Collage, Photomontage, and Assemblage
Dada artists turned to non-art making strategies…
What did they embrace?

  • Chance, accident and improvisation.
Why did they take this approach?

  • They wanted to rebel against normal standards.
Include a visual example

Artist Collaboration
What is the value of art made by Dadaists?

  •  The value in art is in making incomplete work rather than a finished piece.
Word Play
How and why did Dada artists work with words?

  • The idea of words was the language being destroyed like the words in society.

Include a visual example
