Friday, February 27, 2015

Questions About Art

-What is a work of art?  Describe qualities found in artworks.
  ~ a creative product with strong imaginative appeal.
-What should an artwork provide to both the maker and the viewer
  ~ It should provide detail and explanation 
-Why do people make art?
  ~ A way to express emotions and feelings
-Where does one encounter art?
  ~ All over. In homes, stores, cars, pretty much all man made things are 'ART'.
-What is the role of the artist?
  ~ To create something that has meaning.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

DADA Quote

Original Quote: "I just want one more chance to put my arms in fragile hands."
Random Quote: "more want chance just put I hands in one to arms fragile my."
Abstract Quote:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Abortion-Social Issue



  • Description: My social issue is about Abortion and trying to prevent it.
  • Why I chose: I chose this issue because my mother(the women I took photos of) had an abortion and has spent her whole life regretting it. 
  • Results?: I hope that people will see these and realize how horrible abortions are and that IF you have one you will spend your whole life regretting it.
  • Target Audience: Any women who finds herself incapable of giving birth and feels she needs an abortion.
  • USP: Used someone who HAS HAD an Abortion.
  • Tagline: #PROLIFE
My Thoughts: I Really like the end result. I think its different and unique. But I think there are some places that I could have spent more time on.
Tips: Try new things. Experimenting helps you find things that are different from everyone else.
Challenging: Trying to make my project different from everyone elses.
Well: I think when it comes to being unique I did well.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Advertising Shooting Assignment

A. Shots:

B. Social Issue: Abortion. I am Pro-life and went to the march for life a few weeks ago and completely changed my mind. It really made me want to advertise how wrong it is and the pain it causes.

C. Thoughts: lighting is bad in some of them. Think I may redo????