Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Valedictory Finals

I chose to do my final project on eyes because I think eyes are all different and have so much to say about a person. I've never worked with extreme close up pictures before and found it very difficult. I wish I had more time to spend on this project so I could take better shots and find out how to make the photos clearer, I really enjoyed this project and thought they turned out pretty good.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Valedictory Idea

Valedictory Project Idea

I am doing my Valedictory project on eyes because all eyes are different and SAY something different about a person. For example, personality is shown through eyes by how much you cover your eyes, or how much makeup you put on.

This website tells about eyes, and it helping me understand the eye and what it says about a person.

Examples of what I plan to work on:

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Surrealism Finals

I seem very outgoing and open, fun and crazy on the outside, but on the inside I am very 'to myself', i don't really talk about my passed, or person things. Though I may seem very open and loud, I actually have a lot to hide.

Life is put together piece by piece, or in this case stitch by stitch. Lily has been through so much, we all have, and each moment and memory, is what makes our life different from others.

This picture is used to show that even though Lily seems very open, she constantly has her head in the clouds.

Alexus is a party girl, no doubt about it. She's fun loving and outgoing and when she gets the chance, she WILL dance. 

I really enjoyed this project, i thought it was very difficult compared to most of our previous projects and i liked that. I like having a bit of a challenge.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Rene Magritte

1.     What is surrealism?

  • Juxtaposing unrelated objects, placing them side by side. They seemed both real and unreal. (surreal)

2.     What motif did Magritte use in many of his works? Why was this significant?

  • The man wearing wearing a bowler hat. He used it in 21 paintings and it was a self-portrait.
3.     In his work Golconda, why is it important that Magritte varied the image of the man in the bowler hat?  How does it add depth to the work?

  • He used repetition, painting the man dozens of times, arranging them in layers of varied scale. The smaller men in the background and the larger men in the foreground, making them seem closer the the viewer. Without the variation in scale the painting would be very boring.
4.     Why did surreal artists choose to create strange worlds with their art?

  • They found that juxtaposing ordinary but unrelated objects could be as disorienting and powerful as waking up from a strange dream.
5.     Explain how the techniques of juxtaposition, altered scale, and language help Magritte explore Surrealism.

6.     What would be a few reasons why Magritte would cover the faces of his subjects?

  •  Tragic accident when he was 12: his mother drowned herself, and when she was pulled from the water her nightgown covered her face. (He denied that being the reason)
7.     Why did Magritte strive for realism & precision in his paintings?

  • He believed realism allows viewers to focus on the subject of a work instead of the technique used to paint it.
8.     Google more of Magritte’s work and include 2 images that interest you.
 Explain the technique(s) used to enhance the work

Monday, April 13, 2015

Perception vs. Reality (Inward vs. Outward)


  • Outgoing
  • Loving
  • Loud
  • Happy
  • Funny
  • I present myself as someone who is open and talk-a-tive.
  • Look positive.


  • Struggle with Anxiety
  • Worried about what others think of me
  • Southern girl at heart
  • Love the outdoors
  • I love Art and music(collect VINYL)
  • I love to play volleyball
  • I could present this by maybe smiling with my face covered. Or be facing the camera and have by eyes looking around. Look happy yet some what anxious.

Examples of poses:

Friday, March 27, 2015

Dada Finals


Color Blocks:


Halftone Screen:

I enjoyed this project, but I like having direction, and being told what I'm working, on rather than being given 4 things and making it my own. I thought it was a fun unit and i like the way it turned out, but I like natural photo's best.

Dada Studio Experimentation

Monday, March 9, 2015

MoMA and Dada

World War I and Dada

What is Dada and why did it come into existence?
  • Dada is basically an anti-art made into an art. It started in WWI because of corruption and brutality of the war. 
 Marcel Duchamp and the Readymade

 Discuss Duchamp’s notion of “Readymades”.  What are they?

  • Mass-produced, commercially available, often utilitarian objects, designating them as art and giving them titles.
 How do they change your expectations about what art can be?

  • It makes me realize art can be ANYTHING, not just a painting or a drawing or a sculpture, but anything that was designed/ created and has meaning.
Include a visual of Duchamp’s work

Chance Creations: Collage, Photomontage, and Assemblage
Dada artists turned to non-art making strategies…
What did they embrace?

  • Chance, accident and improvisation.
Why did they take this approach?

  • They wanted to rebel against normal standards.
Include a visual example

Artist Collaboration
What is the value of art made by Dadaists?

  •  The value in art is in making incomplete work rather than a finished piece.
Word Play
How and why did Dada artists work with words?

  • The idea of words was the language being destroyed like the words in society.

Include a visual example


Friday, February 27, 2015

Questions About Art

-What is a work of art?  Describe qualities found in artworks.
  ~ a creative product with strong imaginative appeal.
-What should an artwork provide to both the maker and the viewer
  ~ It should provide detail and explanation 
-Why do people make art?
  ~ A way to express emotions and feelings
-Where does one encounter art?
  ~ All over. In homes, stores, cars, pretty much all man made things are 'ART'.
-What is the role of the artist?
  ~ To create something that has meaning.